Tuesday Nov 05, 2024
Ep. 022 - From Manager to Executive: Mastering the Leadership Transition
Are you still managing when you should be leading?
Discover why even the best managers struggle when stepping into executive roles – and how to avoid this common pitfall.
In this game-changing episode, Dr. Jake Tayler Jacobs reveals:
The crucial difference between managing and overseeing day-to-day operations...
Why your greatest strengths as a manager might be your biggest weaknesses as an executive...
The six critical mindset shifts required for executive success..
How to transform from problem-solver to problem-preventer Real-world examples of successful (and failed) transitions...
You'll learn:
✓ When to step in and when to step back
✓ How to develop systems that prevent fires instead of fighting them
✓ The secret to scaling your leadership impact
✓ Why your time horizon must change (and how to make the shift)
✓ The executive's approach to team development
Perfect for:
Managers preparing for executive roles
New executives struggling with the transition
Leaders ready to scale their impact
Organizations developing their leadership pipeline 🎯
Ready to transform your leadership?
Get the blueprint: Grab 'Bred to Lead' on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Bred-Lead-Peop...
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Stop managing. Start leading. Your executive evolution begins here. #BredToLead #LeadershipTransformation #ExecutiveLeadership #ManagementSkills