Tuesday Dec 31, 2024
Ep. 026: Success by Design: Why Success Happens Before the Moment
Episode 26: Success by Design: Why Success Happens Before the Moment
Discover why true success isn't about rising to the occasion - it's about being prepared before the moment arrives. In this powerful episode, Dr. Jake Tayler Jacobs reveals how to combine mental and physical preparation to create inevitable success.
You'll learn:
✓ Why visualization alone isn't enough
✓ How to build mental and physical practice routines
✓ Creating organizational readiness
✓ Building success laboratories
✓ The power of systematic preparation
Perfect for:
- Leaders preparing for major challenges
- Organizations building readiness
- Teams seeking consistent excellence
- Anyone ready to move beyond hope to preparation
Learn why success is designed, not discovered, and how to prepare for your defining moments.
🎯 Ready to design your success?
- Get the blueprint: Grab 'Bred to Lead' on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Bred-Lead-People-First-Results-Second-Leader/dp/B0D5GXB3BG/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2H1PSDIS4OBKD&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.GjbuNvEr-oGTUYlMVvLCpXMq5QFanCZQn7L74ad19cAn0e0QzYb-Xkn7DDzE_MAsyA_9X8jILj0sgeFdRQ6t8EmNZtzXopgT2gfcSavUfIqSmsIw5K4_f6ozhY3rWELaPPSbkF__yfflaSIZTCQQviGetFt3iJCwZTSRlhzzPHmbNEaToqq9jN2PzrmD-iuVntKWXe_Xcx4fFyoZ3CV63Z8PaBoWTlqYbBOWTwPPCcw.FpoZGxl7q9VTKaIM-vqmWPDcd1OHspR7s8hMeYMBlIE&dib_tag=se&keywords=bred+to+lead&qid=1735657606&sprefix=bred+to+lea%2Caps%2C208&sr=8-1
- Join the community: Visit bredtolead.com
- Connect: Follow Dr. Jake on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/jaketaylerjacobs/
- Share your journey: Rate us on Apple Podcasts https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/bred-to-lead-with-dr-jake-tayler-jacobs/id1744976367
Stop hoping for success. Start designing it.
#SuccessbyDesign #LeadershipDevelopment #MentalPreparation #BredToLead